Water Use

Worldwide, water resources are limited and precious. With a growing population the situation is expected to get tighter and tighter. Fortunately, and contrary to natural fibres, the amount of water needed for the production of man-made fibres (MMF) is limited. The amount of water needed for cotton crop cultivation, by far the most important natural fibre, is much higher and doubtful in ecological terms.

Without man-made fibres (MMF), or if only natural fibres would be used, there would not be sufficient water resources for humankind.

The water for the MMF production is consumed by almost all processes for use either as cooling water or process water. Depending on the local situation different supply sources are used.

Despite the fact that the use of water per kg of MMF is limited, water saving programmes are put in place and progress and results are reported on a regular basis as defined in the environmental permit.

Not only water saving programmes are put in place, but also targets for water emission reduction are formulated and executed. These emission or water discharge reduction actions to the water treatment installations are also part of efforts to be made in view of the environmental permits.

For specific results, see members' websites.